Convolution layer

Digital images have multiple channels. The convolution layer extends the convolution operation to handle feature maps with multiple channels. The output feature map similarly has channels adding a further semantic dimension to the downstream representation. For an RGB image, a convolution layer learns three 2-dimensional kernels Klc for each output channel, each of which can be thought of as a feature extractor. Features across input channels are blended by the kernel:


for l=0,,cout1. The input and output tensors X and X¯ have the same dimensionality and semantic structure which makes sense since we want to stack convolutional layers as modules, and the kernel K has shape (cout,cin,k,k). The resulting feature maps inherit the spatial ordering in its inputs along the spatial dimensions. The entire operation is linear and each convolution operation is independent for each output channel.

Remark. This form is called two-dimensional convolution since the kernel scans two dimensions. Meanwhile, one-dimensional convolutions can be used to process sequential data. In principle, we can add as many dimensions as required.

Input and output channels

import random
import warnings
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
from matplotlib_inline import backend_inline

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

DATASET_DIR = Path("./data/").resolve()
matplotlib.rcParams["image.interpolation"] = "nearest"

DEVICE = torch.device("cuda:0") if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device("mps") if torch.backends.mps.is_available() else torch.device("cpu")

Getting a sample image from our repo:

!curl "" --output ./data/shorty.png
Hide code cell output
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
 87  881k   87  768k    0     0  1175k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1174k
100  881k  100  881k    0     0  1331k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1331k

Reproducing the convolution operation over input and output channels:

from import read_image
import torchvision.transforms.functional as fn

def convolve(X, K):
    """Perform 2D convolution over input."""
    h, w = K.shape
    H0, W0 = X.shape
    H1 = H0 - h + 1
    W1 = W0 - w + 1

    S = np.zeros(shape=(H1, W1))
    for i in range(H1):
        for j in range(W1):
            S[i, j] = (X[i:i+h, j:j+w] * K).sum()
    return torch.tensor(S)

Decomposing the feature maps:

def conv_components(X, K, u):
    cmaps = ["Reds", "Greens", "Blues"]
    cmaps_out = ["spring", "summer", "autumn", "winter"]
    c_in  = X.shape[1]
    c_out = K.shape[0]
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(c_in + 1, c_out + 1, figsize=(10, 10))

    # Input image
    ax[0, 0].imshow(X[0].permute(1, 2, 0))
    for c in range(c_in):
        ax[c+1, 0].set_title(f"X(c={c})", size=10)
        ax[c+1, 0].imshow(X[0, c, :, :], cmap=cmaps[c])

    # Iterate over kernel filters
    out_components = {}
    for k in range(c_out):
        for c in range(c_in):
            out_components[(c, k)] = convolve(X[0, c, :, :], K[k, c, :, :])
            ax[c+1, k+1].imshow(out_components[(c, k)].numpy()) 
            ax[c+1, k+1].set_title(f"X(c={c}) ⊛ K(c={c}, k={k})", size=10)

    # Sum convolutions over input channels, then add bias
    out_maps = []
    for k in range(c_out):
        out_maps.append(sum([out_components[(c, k)] for c in range(c_in)]) + u[k])
        ax[0, k+1].imshow(out_maps[k].numpy(), cmaps_out[k])
        ax[0, k+1].set_title(r"$\bar{\mathrm{X}}$" + f"(k={k})", size=10)

    return out_maps

cat = DATASET_DIR / "shorty.png"
X = read_image(str(cat)).unsqueeze(0)[:, :3, :, :]
X = fn.resize(X, size=(128, 128)) / 255.
conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=3, out_channels=4, kernel_size=5)
K, u = conv.weight, conv.bias
components = conv_components(X, K, u);

Figure. Each kernel in entries i,j > 0 combines column-wise with the inputs to compute X(c=i) K(c=i, k=j). The sum of these terms over c form the output map X̅(k=j) above. This looks like computation in a fully-connected layer, but with convolutions between matrices instead of products between scalars. CNNs perform combinatorial mixing of hierarchical spatial features with depth.

Checking if the output of conv_components is consistent with Conv2d in PyTorch:

S = torch.stack(components).unsqueeze(0)
P = conv(X)
cmaps_out = ["spring", "summer", "autumn", "winter"]

print("Input shape: ", X.shape)   # (B, c0, H0, W0)
print("Output shape:", S.shape)   # (B, c1, H1, W1)
print("Kernel shape:", K.shape)   # (c1, c0, h, w)
print("Bias shape:  ", u.shape)   # (c1,)
print("MAE (w/ pytorch) =", (S - P).abs().mean().item())
Input shape:  torch.Size([1, 3, 128, 128])
Output shape: torch.Size([1, 4, 124, 124])
Kernel shape: torch.Size([4, 3, 5, 5])
Bias shape:   torch.Size([4])

MAE (w/ pytorch) = 2.424037095549667e-08