Transfer learning and fine-tuning
Transfer learning is a common technique for leveraging large models trained on related tasks (i.e. the pretrained model). Here we use ResNet [HZRS15] which is trained on ImageNet consisting of 1M+ images in 1000 categories. To adapt the pretrained model to our task, we use only the feature extractors and retrain a classification head (Fig. 48).
To avoid nullifying the pretrained weights with large random gradients, we first have to train the classification head to convergence, while keeping the weights of the pretrained model fixed. Then, we proceed with fine-tuning where we train the entire model with a very low learning rate, again so that the pretrained weights are gradually changed.

Fig. 48 Training a new classifier over the same convolutional base. Source: Fig 8.12 of [Cho21].
import torchinfo
from torchvision import models
resnet = models.resnet18(pretrained=True)
torchinfo.summary(resnet, input_size=(BATCH_SIZE, 3, 49, 49))
Show code cell output
Layer (type:depth-idx) Output Shape Param #
ResNet [16, 1000] --
├─Conv2d: 1-1 [16, 64, 25, 25] 9,408
├─BatchNorm2d: 1-2 [16, 64, 25, 25] 128
├─ReLU: 1-3 [16, 64, 25, 25] --
├─MaxPool2d: 1-4 [16, 64, 13, 13] --
├─Sequential: 1-5 [16, 64, 13, 13] --
│ └─BasicBlock: 2-1 [16, 64, 13, 13] --
│ │ └─Conv2d: 3-1 [16, 64, 13, 13] 36,864
│ │ └─BatchNorm2d: 3-2 [16, 64, 13, 13] 128
│ │ └─ReLU: 3-3 [16, 64, 13, 13] --
│ │ └─Conv2d: 3-4 [16, 64, 13, 13] 36,864
│ │ └─BatchNorm2d: 3-5 [16, 64, 13, 13] 128
│ │ └─ReLU: 3-6 [16, 64, 13, 13] --
│ └─BasicBlock: 2-2 [16, 64, 13, 13] --
│ │ └─Conv2d: 3-7 [16, 64, 13, 13] 36,864
│ │ └─BatchNorm2d: 3-8 [16, 64, 13, 13] 128
│ │ └─ReLU: 3-9 [16, 64, 13, 13] --
│ │ └─Conv2d: 3-10 [16, 64, 13, 13] 36,864
│ │ └─BatchNorm2d: 3-11 [16, 64, 13, 13] 128
│ │ └─ReLU: 3-12 [16, 64, 13, 13] --
├─Sequential: 1-6 [16, 128, 7, 7] --
│ └─BasicBlock: 2-3 [16, 128, 7, 7] --
│ │ └─Conv2d: 3-13 [16, 128, 7, 7] 73,728
│ │ └─BatchNorm2d: 3-14 [16, 128, 7, 7] 256
│ │ └─ReLU: 3-15 [16, 128, 7, 7] --
│ │ └─Conv2d: 3-16 [16, 128, 7, 7] 147,456
│ │ └─BatchNorm2d: 3-17 [16, 128, 7, 7] 256
│ │ └─Sequential: 3-18 [16, 128, 7, 7] 8,448
│ │ └─ReLU: 3-19 [16, 128, 7, 7] --
│ └─BasicBlock: 2-4 [16, 128, 7, 7] --
│ │ └─Conv2d: 3-20 [16, 128, 7, 7] 147,456
│ │ └─BatchNorm2d: 3-21 [16, 128, 7, 7] 256
│ │ └─ReLU: 3-22 [16, 128, 7, 7] --
│ │ └─Conv2d: 3-23 [16, 128, 7, 7] 147,456
│ │ └─BatchNorm2d: 3-24 [16, 128, 7, 7] 256
│ │ └─ReLU: 3-25 [16, 128, 7, 7] --
├─Sequential: 1-7 [16, 256, 4, 4] --
│ └─BasicBlock: 2-5 [16, 256, 4, 4] --
│ │ └─Conv2d: 3-26 [16, 256, 4, 4] 294,912
│ │ └─BatchNorm2d: 3-27 [16, 256, 4, 4] 512
│ │ └─ReLU: 3-28 [16, 256, 4, 4] --
│ │ └─Conv2d: 3-29 [16, 256, 4, 4] 589,824
│ │ └─BatchNorm2d: 3-30 [16, 256, 4, 4] 512
│ │ └─Sequential: 3-31 [16, 256, 4, 4] 33,280
│ │ └─ReLU: 3-32 [16, 256, 4, 4] --
│ └─BasicBlock: 2-6 [16, 256, 4, 4] --
│ │ └─Conv2d: 3-33 [16, 256, 4, 4] 589,824
│ │ └─BatchNorm2d: 3-34 [16, 256, 4, 4] 512
│ │ └─ReLU: 3-35 [16, 256, 4, 4] --
│ │ └─Conv2d: 3-36 [16, 256, 4, 4] 589,824
│ │ └─BatchNorm2d: 3-37 [16, 256, 4, 4] 512
│ │ └─ReLU: 3-38 [16, 256, 4, 4] --
├─Sequential: 1-8 [16, 512, 2, 2] --
│ └─BasicBlock: 2-7 [16, 512, 2, 2] --
│ │ └─Conv2d: 3-39 [16, 512, 2, 2] 1,179,648
│ │ └─BatchNorm2d: 3-40 [16, 512, 2, 2] 1,024
│ │ └─ReLU: 3-41 [16, 512, 2, 2] --
│ │ └─Conv2d: 3-42 [16, 512, 2, 2] 2,359,296
│ │ └─BatchNorm2d: 3-43 [16, 512, 2, 2] 1,024
│ │ └─Sequential: 3-44 [16, 512, 2, 2] 132,096
│ │ └─ReLU: 3-45 [16, 512, 2, 2] --
│ └─BasicBlock: 2-8 [16, 512, 2, 2] --
│ │ └─Conv2d: 3-46 [16, 512, 2, 2] 2,359,296
│ │ └─BatchNorm2d: 3-47 [16, 512, 2, 2] 1,024
│ │ └─ReLU: 3-48 [16, 512, 2, 2] --
│ │ └─Conv2d: 3-49 [16, 512, 2, 2] 2,359,296
│ │ └─BatchNorm2d: 3-50 [16, 512, 2, 2] 1,024
│ │ └─ReLU: 3-51 [16, 512, 2, 2] --
├─AdaptiveAvgPool2d: 1-9 [16, 512, 1, 1] --
├─Linear: 1-10 [16, 1000] 513,000
Total params: 11,689,512
Trainable params: 11,689,512
Non-trainable params: 0
Total mult-adds (G): 1.99
Input size (MB): 0.46
Forward/backward pass size (MB): 37.34
Params size (MB): 46.76
Estimated Total Size (MB): 84.56
in_features = resnet.fc.in_features
num_hidden = 256
head = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(in_features, num_hidden),
nn.Linear(num_hidden, 2),
model = nn.Sequential(
Remark. BatchNorm [IS15] on the network head aids with activation and gradient stability. Dropout is also used to regularize the dense layers.
Static features
Freezing the feature extraction layers:
for param in model[0].parameters(): # model[0] = pretrained
param.requires_grad = False
Setting up the data loaders:
dl_train = DataLoader(Subset(ds_train, torch.arange(32000)), batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True)
dl_valid = DataLoader(Subset(ds_valid, torch.arange(8000)), batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=False)
Training the model using AdamW [LH17] with learning rate 0.001
epochs = 10
optim = torch.optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=0.001)
scheduler = OneCycleLR(optim, max_lr=0.01, steps_per_epoch=len(dl_train), epochs=epochs)
trainer = Trainer(model, optim, loss_fn=F.cross_entropy, scheduler=scheduler, device=DEVICE), train_loader=dl_train, valid_loader=dl_valid)
[Epoch: 01/10] loss: 0.5991 acc: 0.7019 val_loss: 0.5274 val_acc: 0.7422
[Epoch: 02/10] loss: 0.5862 acc: 0.6944 val_loss: 0.5135 val_acc: 0.7561
[Epoch: 03/10] loss: 0.5926 acc: 0.6794 val_loss: 0.5142 val_acc: 0.7522
[Epoch: 04/10] loss: 0.5714 acc: 0.6956 val_loss: 0.5250 val_acc: 0.7376
[Epoch: 05/10] loss: 0.5760 acc: 0.7069 val_loss: 0.5082 val_acc: 0.7558
[Epoch: 06/10] loss: 0.5508 acc: 0.7188 val_loss: 0.5039 val_acc: 0.7611
[Epoch: 07/10] loss: 0.5172 acc: 0.7400 val_loss: 0.4862 val_acc: 0.7691
[Epoch: 08/10] loss: 0.5345 acc: 0.7362 val_loss: 0.4896 val_acc: 0.7791
[Epoch: 09/10] loss: 0.5257 acc: 0.7456 val_loss: 0.4851 val_acc: 0.7749
[Epoch: 10/10] loss: 0.5327 acc: 0.7225 val_loss: 0.4857 val_acc: 0.7744
Show code cell outputs
def plot_training_history(trainer):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 4))
num_epochs = len(trainer.valid_log["accs"])
num_steps_per_epoch = len(trainer.train_log["accs"]) // num_epochs
ax[0].plot(trainer.train_log["loss"], alpha=0.3, color="C0")
ax[1].plot(trainer.train_log["accs"], alpha=0.3, color="C0")
ax[0].plot(trainer.train_log["loss_avg"], label="train", color="C0")
ax[1].plot(trainer.train_log["accs_avg"], label="train", color="C0")
ax[0].plot(list(range(num_steps_per_epoch, (num_epochs + 1) * num_steps_per_epoch, num_steps_per_epoch)), trainer.valid_log["loss"], label="valid", color="C1")
ax[1].plot(list(range(num_steps_per_epoch, (num_epochs + 1) * num_steps_per_epoch, num_steps_per_epoch)), trainer.valid_log["accs"], label="valid", color="C1")
ax[0].grid(linestyle="dashed", alpha=0.3)
ax[1].grid(linestyle="dashed", alpha=0.3)
ax[0].set_ylim(0, max(trainer.train_log["loss"]))
ax[1].set_ylim(0, 1)
ax[0].ticklabel_format(axis="x", style="sci", scilimits=(3, 3))
ax[1].ticklabel_format(axis="x", style="sci", scilimits=(3, 3))
Remark. The validation step accumulates results over after an epoch for a fixed set of weights. This simulates inference performance if we load the trained model at that checkpoint. On the other hand, train metrics are expensive since the training dataset is large. Instead, these are accumulated at each step as an average with the previous steps.
Unfreezing the pretrained model layers. Note that we set small learning rates:
for param in model[0].parameters():
param.requires_grad = True
# 100x smaller lr (both optim and scheduler)
epochs = 20
optim = torch.optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=1e-5, weight_decay=0.05)
scheduler = OneCycleLR(optim, max_lr=0.0001, steps_per_epoch=len(dl_train), epochs=epochs)
trainer_ft = Trainer(model, optim, loss_fn=F.cross_entropy, scheduler=scheduler, device=DEVICE), train_loader=dl_train, valid_loader=dl_valid)
[Epoch: 01/20] loss: 0.4978 acc: 0.7706 val_loss: 0.4265 val_acc: 0.8160
[Epoch: 02/20] loss: 0.4262 acc: 0.8113 val_loss: 0.3741 val_acc: 0.8434
[Epoch: 03/20] loss: 0.4110 acc: 0.8175 val_loss: 0.3544 val_acc: 0.8540
[Epoch: 04/20] loss: 0.3923 acc: 0.8331 val_loss: 0.3363 val_acc: 0.8626
[Epoch: 05/20] loss: 0.3599 acc: 0.8469 val_loss: 0.3388 val_acc: 0.8596
[Epoch: 06/20] loss: 0.3406 acc: 0.8581 val_loss: 0.3171 val_acc: 0.8699
[Epoch: 07/20] loss: 0.3875 acc: 0.8469 val_loss: 0.3338 val_acc: 0.8685
[Epoch: 08/20] loss: 0.3433 acc: 0.8650 val_loss: 0.3190 val_acc: 0.8856
[Epoch: 09/20] loss: 0.3260 acc: 0.8712 val_loss: 0.3132 val_acc: 0.8698
[Epoch: 10/20] loss: 0.3074 acc: 0.8831 val_loss: 0.2931 val_acc: 0.8825
[Epoch: 11/20] loss: 0.3176 acc: 0.8806 val_loss: 0.2966 val_acc: 0.8868
[Epoch: 12/20] loss: 0.3048 acc: 0.8775 val_loss: 0.2904 val_acc: 0.8848
[Epoch: 13/20] loss: 0.2680 acc: 0.8894 val_loss: 0.3251 val_acc: 0.8842
[Epoch: 14/20] loss: 0.2866 acc: 0.8825 val_loss: 0.2846 val_acc: 0.8896
[Epoch: 15/20] loss: 0.2699 acc: 0.8919 val_loss: 0.2710 val_acc: 0.8958
[Epoch: 16/20] loss: 0.2517 acc: 0.9062 val_loss: 0.2798 val_acc: 0.8948
[Epoch: 17/20] loss: 0.2405 acc: 0.9100 val_loss: 0.2753 val_acc: 0.8981
[Epoch: 18/20] loss: 0.2378 acc: 0.9031 val_loss: 0.2645 val_acc: 0.8969
[Epoch: 19/20] loss: 0.2349 acc: 0.9144 val_loss: 0.2649 val_acc: 0.8990
[Epoch: 20/20] loss: 0.2411 acc: 0.9163 val_loss: 0.2642 val_acc: 0.8986
Show code cell source
loss = trainer.train_log["loss"] + trainer_ft.train_log["loss"]
accs = trainer.train_log["accs"] + trainer_ft.train_log["accs"]
loss_avg = trainer.train_log["loss_avg"] + trainer_ft.train_log["loss_avg"]
accs_avg = trainer.train_log["accs_avg"] + trainer_ft.train_log["accs_avg"]
val_loss = trainer.valid_log["loss"] + trainer_ft.valid_log["loss"]
val_accs = trainer.valid_log["accs"] + trainer_ft.valid_log["accs"]
num_epochs = len(val_loss)
num_steps_per_epoch = len(loss) // num_epochs
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 4))
ax[0].plot(loss, alpha=0.3, color="C0")
ax[1].plot(accs, alpha=0.3, color="C0")
ax[0].plot(loss_avg, label="train", color="C0")
ax[1].plot(accs_avg, label="train", color="C0")
ax[0].plot(list(range(num_steps_per_epoch, (num_epochs + 1) * num_steps_per_epoch, num_steps_per_epoch)), val_loss, label="valid", color="C1")
ax[1].plot(list(range(num_steps_per_epoch, (num_epochs + 1) * num_steps_per_epoch, num_steps_per_epoch)), val_accs, label="valid", color="C1")
ax[0].axvline(len(trainer.train_log["loss"]), color="black", linestyle="dotted", label="[fine-tuning]")
ax[1].axvline(len(trainer.train_log["loss"]), color="black", linestyle="dotted", label="[fine-tuning]")
ax[0].grid(linestyle="dashed", alpha=0.3)
ax[0].set_ylim(0, max(loss))
ax[1].grid(linestyle="dashed", alpha=0.3)
ax[1].set_ylim(0, 1)
ax[0].ticklabel_format(axis="x", style="sci", scilimits=(3, 3))
ax[1].ticklabel_format(axis="x", style="sci", scilimits=(3, 3))
Fig. The weights of the classification head are trained on the outputs of the pretrained ResNet model with fixed weights. After the classification head forms proper weights, the pretrained weights are unfreezed, and trained with small LR. Performance improves at a faster rate, but also fluctuates more at this stage.
Remarks. The model overfits and the validation curves diverge very early in the training when we turn off data augmentation (i.e. model memorizes the training data). Data augmentation prevents this by adding noise in the input. The dense layers also does not train well without BN. Finally, since the data is slightly imbalanced, we should also look at the confusion matrix and PR curve.
Note that calling the model on an input x
with large batch dim may cause memory error for large models. Hence, using a data loader for offline batch inference is good practice:
class InputDataLoader(DataLoader):
def __init__(self, data_loader):
self.data_loader = data_loader
def __iter__(self):
for batch in self.data_loader:
yield batch[0]
def batch_predict(trainer: Trainer, input_loader: DataLoader):
with eval_context(trainer.model):
preds = [trainer(x) for x in input_loader]
preds =, dim=0)
return preds
pred = batch_predict(trainer, InputDataLoader(dl_valid))
torch.Size([8000, 2])
tensor([[ 0.0836, -0.0971],
[ 1.1856, -1.1767],
[ 0.8685, -0.8674],
[ 1.0003, -0.9968],
[-2.4745, 2.4580],
[-2.5150, 2.4989]], device='mps:0')
This should be equal to the final validation accuracy:
y =[batch[1] for batch in dl_valid], dim=0)
print((pred.argmax(dim=1) ==
print(trainer_ft.valid_log["accs"][-1]) # or look at final valid log
Note that input from our data loaders come transformed. For processing raw images, we have to transform the inputs in eval mode:
file_path = "data/histopathologic-cancer-detection/test/0a0a1f3867f41e02353afcaf503f63be1bdd35ec.tif"
test_data = cv2.imread(file_path)
tensor([[ 1.4946, -1.4783]], device='mps:0')