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Exploring machine learning engineering and operations. ❚

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│ fastapi                            │ 0.111.0        │
│ Flask                              │ 3.0.3          │
│ keras                              │ 2.15.0         │
│ lightning                          │ 2.3.0          │
│ matplotlib                         │ 3.9.0          │
│ mlflow                             │ 2.13.2         │
│ numpy                              │ 1.26.4         │
│ optuna                             │ 3.6.1          │
│ pandas                             │ 2.2.2          │
│ scikit-learn                       │ 1.5.0          │
│ scipy                              │ 1.13.1         │
│ seaborn                            │ 0.13.2         │
│ tensorflow                         │ 2.15.1         │
│ tensorflow-datasets                │ 4.9.6          │
│ tensorflow-estimator               │ 2.15.0         │
│ torch                              │ 2.2.2          │
│ torchaudio                         │ 2.2.2          │
│ torchinfo                          │ 1.8.0          │
│ torchmetrics                       │ 1.4.0.post0    │
│ torchvision                        │ 0.17.2         │
│ uvicorn                            │ 0.30.1         │
│ xgboost                            │ 2.0.3          │


GPU 0:                           Tesla P100-PCIE-16GB
CPU:                             Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.00GHz
Core:                            1
Threads per core:                2
L3 cache:                        38.5 MiB
Memory:                          15 Gb



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