Temporal / Causal convolutions
One problem with our previous network is that sequential information from the inputs are mixed or squashed too fast (i.e. in one layer). We can make this network deeper by adding dense layers, but it still does not solve this problem. In this section, we implement a convolutional neural network architecture similar to WaveNet [vdODZ+16]. This allows the character embeddings to be fused slowly.

Fig. 53 [vdODZ+16] Tree-like structure formed by a stack of dilated causal convolutional layers. The term causal is used since the network is constrained so that an output node at position t
can only depend on input nodes at position t-k:t
The structure of the network allows us to use a larger block size. Previously, increasing block size by 1 means that the network width increases equal to the embedding dimension. For this network, the width is fixed but we have to increase depth.
BLOCK_SIZE = 8 # !
names = load_surnames()
vocab = Vocab(text="".join(names), preprocess=False, reserved_tokens=[PAD_TOKEN])
split_point = int(0.80 * len(names))
train_dataset = CharDataset(names[:split_point], block_size=BLOCK_SIZE, vocab=vocab)
valid_dataset = CharDataset(names[split_point:], block_size=BLOCK_SIZE, vocab=vocab)
for x, y in zip(train_dataset.xs, train_dataset.ys):
print("".join(x), "-->", y)
if y == PAD_TOKEN:
........ --> d
.......d --> u
......du --> r
.....dur --> a
....dura --> n
...duran --> a
..durana --> .
To implement this without using dilated convolutions, we define the following class
so that only two characters are combined at each step. The linear layer is applied to
the last dimension which the following layer expands. Here n
corresponds to the number
of characters that are combined at each step.
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
class FlattenConsecutive(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, n: int):
self.n = n
def forward(self, x):
B, T, C = x.shape # (batch, char, emb)
x = x.view(B, T // self.n, C * self.n)
return x
To see how this works:
B, T, C = 2, 4, 2
x = torch.rand(B, T, C)
tensor([[[0.8823, 0.9150],
[0.3829, 0.9593],
[0.3904, 0.6009],
[0.2566, 0.7936]],
[[0.9408, 0.1332],
[0.9346, 0.5936],
[0.8694, 0.5677],
[0.7411, 0.4294]]])
x.view(B, T // 2, C * 2)
tensor([[[0.8823, 0.9150, 0.3829, 0.9593],
[0.3904, 0.6009, 0.2566, 0.7936]],
[[0.9408, 0.1332, 0.9346, 0.5936],
[0.8694, 0.5677, 0.7411, 0.4294]]])
Information from characters can flow better through the network due to its hierarchical nature. Hence, we increase embedding size, network width, as well as make the network is deeper. Note that we need three layers to combine all characters, i.e. 2 × 2 × 2 = 8 (block size). Stride happens in the way character blocks are fed to the layers, so convolutions need not be explicitly used. The resulting network resembles our previous network:
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import OneCycleLR
emb_size = 24
width = 128
DEVICE = "mps"
VOCAB_SIZE = len(vocab)
wavenet = nn.Sequential(
nn.Embedding(VOCAB_SIZE, emb_size),
FlattenConsecutive(2), nn.Linear(emb_size * 2, width), nn.ReLU(),
FlattenConsecutive(2), nn.Linear( width * 2, width), nn.ReLU(),
FlattenConsecutive(2), nn.Linear( width * 2, width), nn.ReLU(),
nn.Linear(width, VOCAB_SIZE), nn.Flatten() # flatten: rank 3 -> rank 2
epochs = 5
wavenet = wavenet.to(DEVICE)
loss_fn = F.cross_entropy
optim = torch.optim.AdamW(wavenet.parameters(), lr=0.0001)
train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, pin_memory=True)
valid_loader = DataLoader(valid_dataset, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE)
scheduler = OneCycleLR(optim, max_lr=0.01, steps_per_epoch=len(train_loader), epochs=epochs)
trainer = Trainer(wavenet, optim, loss_fn, scheduler, device=DEVICE)
trainer.run(epochs=epochs, train_loader=train_loader, valid_loader=valid_loader)
[Epoch: 1/5] loss: 2.3225 val_loss: 2.3445
[Epoch: 2/5] loss: 2.3095 val_loss: 2.3015
[Epoch: 3/5] loss: 2.2240 val_loss: 2.2191
[Epoch: 4/5] loss: 2.1433 val_loss: 2.1659
[Epoch: 5/5] loss: 2.0703 val_loss: 2.1520
Remark. Finally broke through 2.3 loss!
Show code cell source
from matplotlib.ticker import StrMethodFormatter
num_epochs = len(trainer.valid_log["loss"])
num_steps_per_epoch = len(trainer.train_log["loss"]) // num_epochs
a = np.array(trainer.train_log["loss_avg"])[0] + 0.1
b = np.array(trainer.train_log["loss_avg"])[-1] - 0.1
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4))
plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(StrMethodFormatter("{x:,.2f}")) # 2 decimal places
plt.plot(np.array(trainer.train_log["loss"]), alpha=0.6, color="C0")
plt.plot(np.array(trainer.train_log["loss_avg"]), color="C0", label="train")
plt.plot(list(range(num_steps_per_epoch, (num_epochs + 1) * num_steps_per_epoch, num_steps_per_epoch)), trainer.valid_log["loss"], label="valid", color="C1")
The generated names look very natural:
for _ in range(10):
n = generate_name(lambda x: F.softmax(wavenet.to("cpu")(x), dim=1), train_dataset, seed=_)